Curiously Interesting
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not what I expected from the DVD's cover or from some of the reviews posted here. There have been countless post-apocalyptic, Mad Max clones and rip-offs but this movie differs from most in that it takes a lot of time to get to the running around and shooting scenes. Time which is spent on character and atmosphere.

The story is just as full of holes and "what the hell are they talking about?" moments as any other cheapo SF flick (for instance were we really expected to believe that that fine, healthy horse had been stuck in that box in the middle of the desert for weeks!? And I'm not sure the whole weird disease, pain relief ward run by desperate murderers and psychos thing made any sense at all.) But there was so much other weirdness floating about that I got the idea things might be explained / resolved by the end. They weren't, but the air of weirdness: the sudden strange Christian Voodoo rain magic thing, the cons standing in the blazing sun drinking their own urine and watching (worshipping?) their Hispanic leader Jesus on massed TV screens, the almost dreamlike quality of some of the scenes carried me through to the end.

This may not be a great movie (or even a good one) but it sure as hell is a lot more interesting than 90% of the cheap, explosion driven, crap that masquerade as SF movies out there.

Incidentally if you watch this on DVD check to see if there is a "making of" featurette. It's pretty standard fare but look out for the producer(?) trying to hide his astonishment they could find decent actors in Israel. His hair is incredible. Scariest thing I have seen all week. It's like Arch Hall's in Eegah!, only more so. I hope it was a wig.
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