Mountain Madness
3 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) Outrageous outdoor thriller that reaches such heights of both altitude and insanity that one of the main stars in the movie Marc Singer as the twinkle brained electronic nut-case Curt Seaver seems to have completely lost his composer. Seaver cracks up in a number of scenes and coming across far more crazier then he really had to be for the role he was playing.

This whole mess starts when the two star crossed lovers Diana & Brian, Nicole Eggent & Garvin Cross, take a trip up on Snowman's Pass to see the wonderful and forbidding sights of nature there. Brian all of a sudden falls on his knees and pulls out a wedding band proposing his love and affection for his one an only love a startled and very agreeable, to his wanting her hand in marriage, Diana. With all that out of the way the two lovebirds decide to fly, or climb, up the side of a cliff where Brian loses both his grip and balance and despite Diana holding on to him fall and ends up badly injured.

Running to the nearby weather station to get help on the phone when Diana finally gets back to where Brian was he's gone never to be seen or heard from or about again until two years later. It's then when this creepy looking character named Curt Seaver pops up in the local grocery store. Finding Diana, who's there shopping, he tells Diana that he needs her, who's also a top mountain climber guide and has expert knowledge of the Snowman's Pass area, help to help him find her Brian. Diana's friend and grocery man Ed, Bruce Dawson, is so mad that he's almost about to whack this weirdo right between the eyes for bringing up this very unpleasant and sad subject. Diana curious at what Seavers has in mind and later seeing him at the coffee shop where he told her he's be if she wants to talk to him. Seaver comes up with this strange story that can only come from the mind of a kook like himself about using this computerized satellite searching gizmo that he came up with called "Searchlamp".

To make a long story short it turns out that Seaver together with his two flunkies bodyguard Hugo and mountain climber and computer hacker Tyler, Mike Dopud & George Stults, are not at all interested in finding Brian, dead or alive, but this satellite that fell to earth and crashed in and around Snowman's Pass. The satellite has in it information that can change the course of human history. That information will be worth hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars from the most powerful nations on earth to pay anyone, like Seaver & Co., who'd be willing to sell it to them.

***SPOILERS*** We never really get to see or find out what exactly this extremely important information that's worth enough money to pay off the US National Debt, the whole caboodle not just the annual interest payments, is. We also never get to find Brian's body which must have been both dragged away and eaten by a grizzly bear or mountain lion. But we do get to watch or suffer through Seaver & Hugo make jackass' of themselves trying to get Diana who after getting wise to them lifted the vital and earth-shaking satellite information from Seaver's lab-top computer, on a CD disk. Diana then threatened to put in on the world net where it would become worthless with the whole world knowing about it.

Tyler turned out to be the good guy of the trio in that he was forced to go along with them in order to keep from being whacked. Tyler had himself messed around with Seaver and Hugo's computer lab-top almost letting the cat, the secret and vital information, out of the bag or computer. For that he was put on their sh*t-list which was a long fall off a short cliff unless he went along with them. With Diana getting away and only Tyler, being an experienced mountain climber, able to catch her he was made to climb up a cliff and keep her from getting away and releasing the valuable satellite Information. Still he screwed up, on purpose, letting Diana escape where he was dropped off the mountain side only to survive but unlike Brian he stayed where he laid until both Diana & the grocery man Ed came to fetch him, broken bones and all, at the end of the movie.

Ridiculous and laughable final that's so unintentionally funny that in some ways saves the movie from being a total disaster. With Seaver letting it all out, in more ways then one, as he together with his fellow lunatic Hugo huff and puff trying to bring the weather station, where Diana is hiding from them, down only to get juiced by a live wire. At one point in the movie Seaver trying to break into the barricaded weather station had his ruby red, probably a result from the thin air up on Snowman's Pass, nose protrude through a crack in the door. I was hoping that Diana would slam the door on it but unfortunately to those of us watching the movie she didn't.
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