Monk: Mr. Monk Bumps His Head (2006)
Season 4, Episode 11
Some Things You Never Forget
6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Monk meets some stranger at a secluded truck stop, ready with cash to purchase information about his wife's death. The man is a phony and hits Monk over the head with lead pipe, knocking him out. He takes Monks wallet, puts him on the truck flatbed and disappears. The driver comes out, doesn't see anything wrong and drives away. Monk then wakes up the next morning in some small town in Wyoming (not the "desert," as it says on the title page here). Our hero has a very sore head and no recollection who he is, except that he seems to want to some odd OCD things.

The show changes from that dramatic opening to very silly for awhile as some nutty woman named "Cora" sees what's happening and claims Monk as her husband! She's obviously nuts, but it also gives her a chance to have a man around the house who she can get to do things, such as fix the roof or...ah, fill some of her other needs. Monk knows something isn't right but he has no memory so he goes along with a bunch of goofy things....some, not all! Laurie Metcalf is good as the domineering "Cora."

Anyway, a crime is committed against a nice waitress Monk met, and even though he doesn't know who he is, Adrian, through his intuitive gifts, helps solve the crime. Eventually, he is discovered and taken back to San Francisco. In all, a strange episode but entertaining.
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