Black Dahlia (2006 Video)
This movie is the film equivalent of a dry heave!!!!
16 December 2006
This retarded pile of vomit was made solely for the purpose of trying to cash in on the major studio release of Brian De Palma's "Black Dahlia", but the talent and production level in this load of crap is in the sewer. Take a look at the actors and crew involved in this movie (you should write them down and avoid anything with their names on it), these people are all talent less wastes of skin who have no place in the movie business at all, they should be forbidden to even watch films. In fact I implore all of Hollywood to blacklist anyone whose name is in anyway associated with this worthless piece of hot trash. The acting is atrocious, and I mean laughably bad (even for B movie standards), but only for the first 5 minutes, then it just becomes really annoying to the senses, so much so that you will actually be angry a half hour into it. They must have had a casting call for the crappiest actors in Hollywood, they are the WORST!!!!!!! I've seen better acting in an Ed Wood movie. The worst part is that you can actually see them all thinking to themselves, "this is it, this is my big break, and I'm gonna blow everybody away with my acting chops, one day I'm gonna be the next Meryl Streep (as she takes her shirt off and gets sprayed with ketchup by two douche bags in horrible costumes, all the while screaming unconvincingly)". The dialogue is awful; I can't believe someone actually wanted credit for this script, who is it? Jeff Frentzen? Kudos to you Jeff, you've more than proved that you can write a script on no talent. I'm sure when you die one day, you'll move on to that great House of Screenwriters in the sky and I'm sure they'll all put padlocks in their socks and whip you for your sins. You should have employed a drunken kindergartener to write this for you, I'm sure the outcome would be better. Ulli Lommel, you suck. You are not a director, you're a joke. I've seen better work on the public access channel.
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