Review of Payday

Payday (1973)
Hidden star
16 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
You don't have to be Mexican to like burritos and you don't need to be a big country and western music fan to enjoy this nifty, low-budget character study of a singer on the road, pimping his records.

It's been so many years since I've seen it that I've forgotten most of the plot details. What stands out is Rip Torn's performance as a druggie who tries to wheedle one DJ after another into playing his songs. He's quite good.

There's another scene that, to me, illustrates some of the care that's gone into the script. Torn is being driven from town to town in his big 50-foot, ten-ton chipkicker idea of a magnificent car. The chauffeur is a friendly man of simple mind. Torn also has his girl friend with him in the back seat. She feels a genuine affection for this rogue but she's wily too and knows which side her bread is buttered on. She and Torn cuddle together frequently. She's pretty easy to cuddle up to because there seems to be so much of her.

Somewhere along the way the troupe picks up a young and apparently guileless groupie, very attractive, breathless, awed by the company she finds herself in. Before long, while his girl friend nods out in the seat beside them, Torn puts some moves on her and she winds up doing a hushed lap dance on him. And the camera pans slowly to the right of the panting couple and fixes on the girlfriend's now wide-awake face as she stares at them in silent fury.

In another scene, the groupie and the chauffeur are left alone in the car, waiting for the others. The driver begins an amiable conversation with her, talking about his favorite hobby (cooking), his aspirations. She gazes at him as he rambles casually on. When he stops, she smiles tightly and whispers, "What are you -- some kinda DRIVER?" It's like a predator pouncing out of nowhere. She's hardly said anything revealing up to this point and the viewer has formed an impression of her as an innocent young fawn-like creature, harmless and manipulated. And in a second or two she has turned into a self-interested, shallow, and cruel bitch before our eyes.

Worth catching.
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