Moving on versus "Getting it right"
14 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
May Contain minor spoilers

What is the best solution for a failed romantic relationship? Should we take our hard-won lessons forward and apply them to our next experience, hopeful that we can get it right this time? Or,as in the case of this film, if we were given a chance, is it best that we journey to the past and attempt to rectify the errors of our failed romance? Twice Upon a Yesterday seems to be saying "Yes" to both cases. This serves to keep the ultimate resolution to this film from being totally satisfying. Of course, it also keeps it real.

"What if?" is probably the ultimate human question. It reflects our yearning for a "do over button" that we can press when we find that we don't like the outcomes of our decisions. The fact that one exists in this film, is part of its allure.

While examining some of the previous reviews of this film on the internet I ran across an article that mentions the screenwriter. He stated that he wrote the screenplay in response to a failed romance of his own. He presumably had moved on but continued to yearn for redemption and reconciliation. With this information in hand, I can now see why the Sylvia/Victor relationship is given yet another try (by Sylvia this time) at the end of the film. The fact that Victor seems to have found happiness with Louisa is just as irrelevant to Sylvia as Sylvia's pending nuptials to Dave were to Victor in another time line. The heart wants what the heart wants--and the heart is selfish.

While there were no good guys or bad guys in the film--everyone was just your basic flawed human being--it now seems clear to me that the scriptwriter wants us to continue to cheer for Victor and Sylvia as a couple. I can almost picture the two of them in a seemingly endless loop, trying one way after another to resolve their problems until they finally get it right.

Of course, the story also says....There is another way...
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