This movie puts the fun in dysfunctional!
18 December 2006
This darkly funny, expertly executed comedy proves there's no sophomore slump for Amber Benson's writer/producer/directorial abilities. Christine Estabrook's performance as Elaine is nothing short of AMAZING. This movie puts the fun in dysfunctional. You've got a dysfunctional family, dysfunctional burglars...even dysfunctional law enforcement! You start laughing early on and never stop thinking. Amber does a great turn as Justine, the adorably bungling burglar with a heart of gold.

The orchestral score is sublime...the icing on an already deliciously yummy cake. This movie is an amazing piece of art. Anyone who has grown weary of some of the drivel Hollywood has been mass producing lately will find this movie experience a breath of fresh air.

Watch it today with someone you love...or hate.
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