21 December 2006
This movie is bad. I don't know how it got a 7.3. The vast majority of what I saw - my friend and I turned it off about half way through - was talk. And not very interesting talk. Just blather, going over the same ground again and again. David Warner, a good actor, phoned in his performance, got his check and split. Gotta pay the rent.

Stage requires a lot of talk because of the limitations its nature imposes. But when they have the power of the camera's eye which allows them to use angles, editing, etc. to create a sense of mystery and drama, why do directors just set it up and let it run while the actors talk? Don't get me wrong, there are movies out there that have a great deal of dialog and they are riveting - GLEN GARRY GLENROSS and NETWORK are two good examples. But if your movie is going to be heavy on dialog it's got to be sharp, witty, lean, in short, interesting. There's a basic rule in any creative endeavor - whenever possible, show, don't tell. Well, in this movie the characters tell you everything and show you very little. And I won't even get into how pretentious this film is.
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