Welshman Hopkins best actor in world amen
26 December 2006
I love De Niro. I love Pacino. I love Nicholson. I love Penn. I love Chris Bale. I love Norton.

These are the 7 best actors in the world today apart from Hopkins

De Niro is not at his absolute peak at the moment neither is Pacino. But Hopkins is.

Every single part Hopkins has played for years and years he has been absolute pure gold. Even when the part doesn't initially suit him. His ability, character, talent, work ethic and sheer integrity/sincerity carries him beyond the rest

Hopkins on current form is the bets actor in the world and this movie is yet more proof of this

Hopkins is enlightened. I won't ruin the plot but it's just genuine joy, deep fulfillment, it's living a real dream not a fake plastic dream sold to you on TV commercials. This is a maverick playing a maverick

Hopkins is always a Welshman that alone makes him unique. But America gave him the opportunity of a lifetime. He was sick of the British and English class system and stage and theatre protocol and stiffness.

Wales and America delivered to the world Hopkins talent and for that we should be thankful
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