My Boys (2006–2010)
Are we watching the same show...
20 December 2006
First off, who is the target audience of this show? It is too lame for Guys and not enough Sex in the City for Girls (but good effort, has anyone else noticed the main character wears a recognizable necklace ala Sex in the City).

Next, I live in Chicago - am I supposed to like the show because the mention real bars and restaurants? "Yes, I have been to the new Potbelly's, why it looks and tastes just like the other 50 in town..." Plus her condo is would easily cost over 450 grand, living a bit out of her income don't ya think. Trust me, Sun Times doesn't pay that well.

The production value is also pretty low. Scrubs and Arrested have set a standard for single camera comedy - and this is far from either of those 2 shows. Some of the shots look like they were thought up on the fly and it is lit like 3 camera - shadows are OK.

I feel bad for Chicago, all efforts at a comedy sent in the town fail. Did anyone actually watch the loop... maybe someday a real Chicago show will rise up and be seen. But not this hack job.
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