Unfunniset piece of aristocratic drivel ever dreadful
27 December 2006
The unfunniest so called comedy I've ever seen river had more belly laughs than these greedy spoilt middle class bores

Never have I been so bored or laughed so little. Even the mighty Taxi D Not a patch on the naturalism of the hilariously dark Twin Town or most dark American comedies. The best comedy is anti-establishment anyway which Python certainly are not.

Vegas I ;like normally but this script is so dire so predictable so well English in the worst way (In recent years the English films have been awful all of them) Ireland at least produced the commitments, Scotland with Braveheart and Trainspotting 2 stand out great movies and Wales had Twin Town, Zulu, Last Days of Dolwyn , Torchwood, Doctor Who and Under Milk Wood etc

The comedy is paint by numbers, the actors are dead men walking because there is no characterization and no originality and it's just soooo unfunny

England is falling behind no matter how many grim up north movies they produce. It's the old class system that destroys English films. The Oxbridge graduates spewing endlessly clichéd scripts about working class people they've never lived with. It is pathetic. Monty Python wasn't funny, neither was anything from Oxbridge. it's just not funny.

Let guys like Jonny Vegas and Peter Kay, Rob Brydon, Billy Connolly or write their own dialogue and forget the archaic failed class system let the working class people and the real talent that comes through the system properly take over the writing and the British and English film industries will rise again what next prince Edward to write a modern day Oliver Twist?
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