Over Sold, Over Hyped, and Over Rated
27 December 2006
Possible Spoilers Ahead... First and foremost, Meryl Streep cannot do comedy! I have never seen her in a comedy where she was believable or where she made me smile, much less laugh. The take on the world of Fashion and Fashion Publications was done better years ago in Funny Face. The characters in Prada are pretty much stock stereotypes and it is very hard to give a happy damn what happens to them. Even the good guys are a rather dull and colorless lot and the Fashion folk are card board cutouts. I haven't read the book on which the film is based and the film doesn't inspire me to rush out and get a copy. I'm sure that there would be many girls who would give anything for the job that Andy had and that says one hell of a lot about the superficial culture that we live in today. I wouldn't recommend anyone waste their time with this tripe.
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