Review of Erosion

Erosion (2005)
A solid 2/10
11 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers follow, if such a thing is possible for this movie Obviously some people liked the movie and rated it highly. I cannot imagine why, but clearly the world is made up of people with different tastes and so be it.

For me, the movie was intriguing for the first ten minutes, admittedly titillating at times, but so slow as to turn into utter boredom about halfway through when the initial intrigue and minor shock eroded into pointless banality.

My sympathies to anyone finding this film "realistic". I'm in my 50s, have experienced two marriages (one of which ended in tragic death), and my share of erotic fun, adventure, and lovers along the way. So I am not unacquainted with the underlying themes here. No doubt there are some out there who are so artless, inexperienced, or inept as to find this kind of sex play of more than passing interest; I give thanks that I am not one of them. And how do you come? Oh, I break into houses and it takes about 30 seconds with a mascara pencil wielded by some guy with situational impotence. Realistic indeed. I pay for it with a blind barmaid who doesn't speak English, then can't get it up. If this is your reality you need to seek help, better lovers, and better movies.

I guess this movie would work for someone who feels the need to be depressed, bored with life, and is having problems working themselves into the mood. The failing marriage is certainly painful to see, but one has to wonder whether there really are people as dumb as these two who cannot seem to lift a finger to change things. Certainly the mysterious stranger into kink is an oft repeated theme in literature for hundreds of years. I can't recall any who broke into houses, but how is this original? Worst of all, it draaaaaaaaaaaaags painfully for the last 30 minutes. There is nothing left to hold your interest other than some guy getting the worlds fastest and most mechanical handjob on film. Just doesn't do it for me.

The one shining moment in the film was the three women at the bar comparing notes. That was hilarious and I give it credit for bumping the movie up a full half a point. Other than that, pffffft. To each his/her own. No thanks on this one.
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