Entertaining short from the 1930s with some very nice animation
13 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a short starring some lesser-known characters, namely Beans and the duo of Ham and Ex. It's a mostly effective, though somewhat uneven, black and white cartoon directed by Jack King. As I want to discuss the short, there will be spoilers: The short starts off with Ham and Ex reading that their "Uncle" Beans is going exploring for "Haunted Treasure", so they stow away on his plane and off they go.

Beans spots a wreck and lands, to see a spooky bat fly off the side of the Phantom Ship. Naturally, Ham and EX jump out to surprise him just then, which scares him. They go on the ship and Ham and Ex see skeletons, get under a sheet and scare skeletons themselves. I would have liked it had this sub-plot continued, but the short diverges, with Beans finding two frozen pirates near a stove and, inexplicably, starts a fire in the stove. Following a train of thought to its practical and logical conclusion is clearly not his long suit.

He finds the treasure and starts loading it on his plane, while the pirates thaw out and take a dim view of theft when they are the victims rather than the perpetrators. The chase being on, one pirate goes after Beans and the other goes after Ham and Ex. After some nice sequences in the chase scenes, Ham and Ex jump in the plane and take off, while Beans gets blown up with the ship, goes skyward and is caught in mid-air by Ham and Ex in the plane and our heroes exit, stage left.

Very good early short from Warner Brothers. Well worth watching if you get the opportunity. Recommended.
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