Community Theater, Tradition, and an Interesting Woman
16 January 2007
Found this documentary on the Catholic channel at Christmastime, saved it and have shown it to various people, all of whom found it interesting. If you're a student of human nature, sociology, anthropology; interested in the Italian culture,or religious traditions, you may enjoy this. If you've ever helped with community theater or in any type of volunteer or church group, you will recognize various personalities, certainly Antonietta, the driving force (and I do mean driving force!) behind a volunteer Living Nativity Scene in Southern Italy in the late 90's. In addition to those we would expect to see in a Nativity Scene, there is more: an homage to traditional (but dying) local crafts, and the gifts that the old and the young bring to their community. Antonietta tirelessly encourages and cajoles everyone, especially the sometimes reluctant elderly members of the Nativity group. Teen boys, in contrast are cool, but eager to portray Roman soldiers. In Italian with English subtitles.
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