Best Picture Nominee?
28 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are lovable misfits, dangerous misfits, and this film gives us dull and offensive misfits. Alan Arkin is a superb actor but Grandpa is this film is a human train wreck and in spite of his Oscar nomination, he does little more than go through motions on this one. Several performances are quite good, but overall this movie is a waste of time, talent, and resources. It is philosophically bankrupt. It is exactly the sort of film one would expect would wow them at the Sundance Film Festival. I would not by any stretch consider myself a prude, but really, is it necessary to drop the f--k bomb time and time and time again; or to discuss teen age sexual intercourse while a small girl sits in the scene. Does anyone really think that young actress couldn't hear the dialog? What are these people thinking. 1939 is generally considered one of the truly great years for movie making, and yet they turned out classic films without anything more obscene than Rhett telling Miss Scarlet that he really didn't give a damn.

I'd suggest that you spend your time with some of the other Best Picture nominees -- or perhaps rent United 93. It is a far better way to spend your time.
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