Review of Laserhawk

Laserhawk (1997)
If You Enjoy "B" SciFi Films - This may be fun
9 February 2007
Laserhawk was one of the $1 specials at a dollar store. Previously I bought old Western's (Bonanza, etc) and some good luck at that price before...

I'd never heard of Laserhawk before, but enjoyed Mark Hamill in the Star Wars Trilogy, in 2 episodes of "the Flash" (as the Bizarre Trickster), and other film appearances over the years. Laserhawk seemed potentially promising, so for a dollar - I gave it a shot!

I like high tech SciFi films, ones with great story lines, but also enjoy some of the low tech "B" films with often half written plots.

This film lies somewhere between. The background music and effects work with the mood of this film. The story line has a lot of quirky twists. It's not a totally predictable plot. And, though not modern high tech effects - think of the classic War of the Worlds (1940's), not state of the art, yet it still works well today! For those who enjoyed the original Star Trek Series - effects are at least on a par with that.

3 teens are the main characters. I won't even hint of how Mark Hamill fits in. His part isn't the biggest, but it is critical. (One insider joke easy to miss is when they pick Mark up in "Sunnydale", which is where "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" came from!).

If you like the offbeat, this will likely keep your interest, and be entertaining. If you only like state of the art effects and academy award performances - this may not be your film.

The introduction of this film announces a great menace to the Galaxy, a 250 million year old alien race. There is an unraveling mystery, drama, suspense and action. It never gets gross or "too" intense.

I enjoyed it. Will give this one a "7", for fun and interesting plot twists.
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