Awful Movie
15 February 2007
This movie has to rate as one of the worst ever, especially for Crowe. The plot was ridiculous, the acting wooden at best (yes even Crowe who I rate as one of the best actors around couldn't turn this sorry movie into anything).

It reminded me of one of those seventies UK shows, like the Sweeney, but set in Australia with a Japanese angle and lots of pointless, and mostly bloody, killings. In fact I actually thought it was made in the seventies back when Crowe didn't know any better so I was amazed to find it was made in 97! The film just doesn't work on so many levels it's difficult to pin down any one reason why this is an excruciatingly painful film to sit through. That said it did provide quite a few laughs as the characters came out with outrageous lines that had no context whatsoever in the film. But none of the characters was drawn deep enough for you to actually give a damn about what happened to them.

And I thought the Wild Women of Borneo was the worst film ever made!
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