Heroes: Chapter Fifteen 'Run!' (2007)
Season 1, Episode 15
Run! is another compelling episode of Heroes
20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Last week, we found out Claire's bio-dad was Nathan Petrelli. He offers the bio-mom lots of money which she accepts. Hiro and Ando offer to help a Vegas showgirl in exchange for info to Linderman's whereabouts. Jessica is assigned by Linderman to assassinate a Mr. Malsky who is guided by Matt as a newly hired guard. Mohinder calls a Zane Taylor in Virginia Beach, Virginia and offers to come over but Sylar gets there first. Claire's adopted mom gets a big headache from possibly HRG's constant mind wipings. Claire overhears Petrelli and her bio-mom but doesn't show herself as she throws a rock at Nathan's car as he leaves. Hiro and Ando sneak into showgirl's ex-partner's room to get her purse but Hiro leaves quickly while Ando is stuck under bed while showgirl's ex-partner sits. Hiro overhears showgirl's phone call about lying to the boys and gets punched by her then gets locked in while Ando goes with her outside. An agent gets Hiro out. Jessica knocks Matt out a window but Matt recovers after landing on ledge. Malsky is killed, however. Matt does recover suitcase of diamonds and is about to give them to police then changes his mind when he hears in their heads what they think of him. Mohinder arrives at Taylor's house and unknowingly gets Syler who demonstrates Taylor's powers that he stole-turning metal into liquid. HRG has grounded Claire because she skipped school. Clair's adopted mom can no longer remember her life. And Jessica has a new assignment-Kill Nathan Petrelli...Pretty exciting though still slow-moving. Hope the New York explosion comes soon so there can be some real action. I thought Matt was a goner for a while when he was unconscious on that ledge. Still love Hiro and Ando's exchanges about heroism. Claire gets more suspicious of her adopted dad. Syler sure has fooled Mohinder. Until next time...
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