Deanna's last film is highly forgettable...
4 March 2007
It must be reasons like FOR THE LOVE OF MARY that had Deanna packing her duds and leaving Hollywood for good. Seems that Universal was unable to offer her the kind of scripts she wanted which would offer her more substantial roles than this attempt at light-hearted screwball comedy that never once flies into orbit.

The trouble, aside from some pedestrian direction by Frederick de Cordova and some unimpressive sets and costumes, is that the script is a muddled mess with a plot outline that almost defies description, it's so complicated. Naturally, within the bounds of screwball comedy, all the complications are supposed to make the story hilariously funny--but fail to do so, mainly because it's banal material lacking any real wit or wisdom.

Deanna is a Washington miss who has connections well above those of the average switchboard operator, including Supreme Court judges and even the President who happens to listen in on one of her conversations and decides to meddle in her affairs in choosing the right man for a woman being chased by three men.

DEANNA DURBIN sings some four or five songs nicely in her own lovely soprano voice but it's enough to try anyone's patience if they're waiting to hear her sing when the story is so pedestrian. JEFFREY LYNN as a lawyer suitor, EDMOND O'BRIEN as the eventual swain, and DON TAYLOR as one of the unlucky ones, are simply foils for Durbin with no depth to their roles. RAY COLLINS and HARRY DAVENPORT do what they can in lively supporting roles, but nothing really helps.

Too bad for Durbin fans. She was still fetching to look at and used her voice beautifully but the material is fluff, nothing more, and certainly unworthy of her talents. No wonder she had enough.
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