This movie is like a Coca-Cola that has lost it's fizzle
27 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is like a Coca-Cola, RC Cola or Pepsi that has gone flat and lost it's fizzle. When a soda pop goes flat, it still has all of its tasty ingredients in tact, but it just isn't any good That is the analogy I'd use to describe this movie. It's a soda pop with no fizzle. Is very accurate.

V for Vendetta is a movie with all of the good ingredients it needed to be great. A Decent cast, excellent special effects, a great story premises, a good musical score, well coordinated stunts and fight scenes. But despite having all of the good ingredients..it just isn't very good

When I first saw the previews for this movie, I thought it was going to be one of the greatest movies ever made, and I could not wait to see it. I had this preconceived notion that it was going to be a cross between Zorro and Goerge Orwells "1984" all rolled into one movie with a vengeance oriented plot. I was very disappointed.

The story moves at a much slower pace than I was expecting( a very-very slow pace)- In fact, it crawls. There was no where near the amount of action that the previews indicated that there was going to be....In fact it is a very-very talkative movie. True there are some good action sequences, and they are done well, there just isn't enough of them, and the action scenes are too far apart and too few of them.

::::::::::::::::::::: spoiler alert:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I was never able to comprehend the fact that the lead character named "V" kidnapped Natalie Portman's Character, tortured her, shaved her head, starved her, and even killed her friend who was protecting her... and then not only did she still trust him and she even came back to him to help after all of the hell he put her through. - - - - - - That was just STUPID! - - - - - From that point in the movie, until the end, it was now an insult to my intelligence, and unenjoyable.

A said before .... This movie is like a Coca-Cola, RC Cola or Pepsi that has gone flat and lost it's fizzle. When a soda pop goes flat, it still has all of the ingredients needed for greatness, but it has no fizzle and just isn't any good
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