Review of 300

300 (2006)
Testosteronicus Maximus Anno Domini
9 March 2007
In about 480 B.C., the actual Battle of Thermopylae was fought in the narrow pass of the same name, which inspired many persons to come after, from military strategists to artisans. In our time, one such person, provocative graphic novelist Frank Miller, was also inspired by the tale, and has in turn inspired director Zack Snyder to produce what must be hailed as two parts art, one part history, and a full seven parts wild, unbridled anarchy.

The classic historical event is played out with a good measure of drama; as King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and his force of 300 of the legendary Spartan army join with the rest of the Greek forces to hold the pass from the vast forces of Persia, his queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) fights her own battle on the home front, attempting to sanction reinforcements for her noble husband. Both heroes face incredible odds. Butler's Leonidas was not done justice by the film's trailers, which painted a bloodthirsty maniac--the actual portrayal shows a wise and cunning leader, as capable of understanding and forgiveness as he is patriotic and defiant to the enemies of honor and decency who rise against Greece. This of course makes for a fascinating character. Additionally interesting are the characters of the veteran Captain (Vincent Regan), proud to rise to the challenge alongside his son, and Queen Gorgo, willing to do anything to uphold the ideals of her husband, and of all Sparta. There are, of course, wild liberties taken with the account--although debauchery indeed ruled in Persia, and animals may have been larger, they were perhaps not so heavily armored, and King Xerxes, while intimidating, was not twenty feet tall. But, hey, it's art, right? It's a sure thing all of this takes a back seat to the stunning visuals, and the tremendous carnage of the battle scenes. Unless your clan views evisceration as a virtue, consider leaving the kiddies at home. Prepare yourself for a wild ride, with, mind you, the HINT of a history lesson.
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