What an awesome movie!
9 March 2007
*03/22/2007 New York Film Festival update: Valley of Angels has won the Grand Jury Award for best feature film!! Valley of Angels took top prize!

I still can't get over the fact that this movie by a first-time, independent film maker looks so good! The story made my heart race from the suspense. Danny Trejo continues to be Hollywood's number one bad-ass. George Katt, Renee George, Miguel Munguia, Heather Tryzna and the rest of the cast gave great performances, too. There was a big buzz after the movie premiere at the New York Film Festival last Saturday night. Looks like it's going to win top prize. Good to see that this movie is finally getting its due. Way to go Levelblue Productions! I look forward to seeing the future projects from this up and coming production company!
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