Tales from the Crypt: Dead Right (1990)
Season 2, Episode 1
"I don't believe in this stuff but I thought if it doesn't go over my lunch hour what the hell." Good start to season 2.
14 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales from the Crypt: Dead Right is set in 1950 where secretary Cathy (Demi Moore) visit a fortune teller named Madame Vorma (Natalia Nogulich) who tells her that she will get fired that very afternoon & that she will get another job soon after, returning 25 minutes late from lunch Cathy's boss Mr. Clayton (Earl Boen) fires her, while out walking the owner (Eric Poppick) of a strip bar sees her & offers her a job as a waitress. Cathy is understandably impressed & visits Madame Vorma again who says she will marry a big man who will inherit a fortune & the die soon after, that night while working Cathy is asked out by the severely obese Charlie Marno (Jeffre Tambor) who quickly proposes to her, sensing her opportunity to get rich quick Cathy accepts but Madame Vorma's predictions don't quite work out as she thought they would...

This Tales from the Crypt story was episode 1 from season 2, directed by Howard Deutch I thought this was a decent story & a good opener to the second season. The script by Andy Wolk was based on a comic book story from 'Shock SuspenStories' & is what a good Tales from the Crypt episode should be, the premise is deliciously macabre, it moves along at a nice pace, the whole story is basically a prelude to a twist ending which you may or may not see coming as it's not the most surprising of twists but it's satisfying in a morbid sort of way all the same. There are some nice moments in this & considering it only lasts for 25 minutes the character's are well fleshed out, the selfish Cathy's contempt for the overweight Charlie is amusing at times & makes the ending even more effective since she's not very likable, Charlie is a fat slob & in a way you almost feel sorry for Cathy at times. The scene when Charlie kisses Cathy & she then vomits into the sink says everything.

As usual this tale from the crypt has good production values & the period design is good, there's no blood or gore until the end when someone is gorily stabbed as this is a twisted tale that relies on it's story as do most Tales from the Crypt episodes. The acting is good including Hollywood star Demi Moore.

Dead Right is another throughly decent tale from the crypt that's well worth a watch.
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