Review of Sublime

Sublime (2007 Video)
15 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Contains minor spoilers.

I cannot believe what an idiotic ideology the director has.

First off, let me state any early reviews that gave this a rating higher than a 5 either was in the picture or have some involvement with the studio.

The only reason I gave it a 3 is that any actually had better production values than a standard straight to DVD low budget flick. However, it is unfortunate the characters don't have any depth and there is no way the audience will empathize with the protagonist.

It has been mentioned that this is a rip off of Jacobs Ladder. It actually isn't. It is only similar because the main character in both movies were taken to an abandoned wing in a hospital. Of course, it was done 100 time better in Jacobs Ladder.

Bigger Spoiler Below: The last 10 minutes of the movie is so offensive to the general population that it is unbelievable. This takes place when an African American starts torturing the 40 year old white male. It is basically the director (and you can read his commends) saying that middle aged white males hate blacks, Iranians, and any other ethnic groups. As a 39 year old white male, I cannot believe the director is so narrowed minded. Most people work with and have friends of multiple races, opposite sex, and from different backgrounds. A movie disguised as horror trying to be the Crash of horror movies is innate.

I would like to add just for the sake of argument that if you agreed with the directors point, you are going to go through a lot of boredom to get to the final and predictable end of this movie.

This movie fails at every level as an horror movie. The worst thing a horror movie can be is boring and not the slightest bit scary. IN fact, this movie generate no tension and takes it self seriously as ludicrous as it gets. There is not one laugh, one moment of sympathy, or even a single bit of creepiness in the film.

My advice is watch Jaccob's Ladder again and try to pretend that this movie was never made.
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