wow.. what garbage
16 March 2007
I can't help but think that the people responsible for this film were all high-fiving and patting each other on the back when the filming wrapped up. It just has that feel to it.. a bunch of clueless filmmakers with a script that some brother's best friend wrote and somehow got into the hands of a clueless producer. It is so full of "cut.. print it! wow! that was awesome, dude!" acting that it almost makes your head spin. Make sure you check out Carl's "rant" as he leaves the building. Stupid crap like this almost makes you want to return the DVD to the store full of ice-pick holes just to spare someone else the agony of watching such drivel presented with such pride. If you do have the bad fortune of having your better half bring this thing home, have a shot of tequila every time an actor waits till the other actor finishes his line before delivering his with a generous pause thrown in for good measure. You'll be wasted before Carl goes on his rant.
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