Open Season (2006)
One Of The Best Animated Movies Ever
1 April 2007
"Open Season" uses more adult and over-the-edge-humor than any other animated movie in the last few years. The characters are great. Much better than some animated side kicks we've seen this year. Ashton Kutcher, Martin Lawrance and Billy Conelly did a great job and also the music in this picture is very well chosen. The animation is brilliant and some shots will clearly blow your mind.

This movie isn't just for kids. Adults will have quite a few laughs, too.

Many people say that this movie is just like every other animated movie we've seen so far and the storyline seems familiar. But you could say the same about every damn horror movie or chick flick. Even if every animated movie had the same story, you still can find differences. And Open Season is a movie of it's own. So don't bug me.

All in all you GOTTA see this movie.
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