Funny Money (2006)
Shows Its Roots
2 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is an adequate comedy, but nothing outstanding. I understand that this was derived from a stage play, and it appears to be. Lots of talk and interplay, little "action" in the sense of car chases, etc.

The story is highly improbable. Our hero, Henry, manages to switch, accidentally, a briefcase from his office with an identical one with $5 million. The switch takes place on a subway, where "Mr. Nasty" is holding the money stuffed briefcase on his lap. Henry discovers the contents of the switched briefcase, and decides to leave town immediately so that he and his wife won't get killed. Henry's wife, though, has just been discovered by a patroness of the arts, who likes her art, which is highly genitalious. The action takes place on Henry's birthday, and they're expecting guests.

Getting away gets stymied by visitors, including a cabbie, two policemen, and Henry's boss. Henry spins tales to keep control while trying to get to the airport before "Mr. Nasty" finds him. Naturally, the cover stories get more complicated and the action gets rather Byzantine.

The dialog gets rapid and complex. Some of it is quite amusing, but other parts kinda drag. As light entertainment, though, it's okay.
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