Great acting and direction among Chilean movies.
9 April 2007
I had this movie for months, but coincidently I just watched it last night on Easter Sunday and finished watching it at 23:59...

There are very few Chilean movies I may consider as well directed and well acted, and I have seen a lot of them (~50). If you think most actors of Chilean movies come from TV soaps, you can hardly believe them when they (over)act in movies.

Anyway, in "La Sagrada Familia", Paty Lopez appears knocking the spectator with her character, she slowly develops it until she shows the real face, which anyway has a lot to do with the real Paty Lopez I think. She fits perfectly into the character. Could not help but identify myself in various scenes of interacting (not the gay ones, ehem!). Absolutely recommendable. Go watch it! 8 of 10.
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