Very Slow Start
10 April 2007
This ambitious "sword and sandal" film gives a retelling of the story of two men, Damon and Pythias, brought together despite their two very opposite personalities. Damon, played with some heart and pluck by Guy Williams, is a wastrel, a thief, and beloved by all the people that have like lives. He has, initially no love for things like honor or duty. Pythias, played decently by Don Burnett, is the epitome of the honorable Roman out to do what is right no matter what hardships lie ahead. Well, the two become friends and face a common foe - to spin a long story short. Damon and Pythias is not a bad film despite its sluggish opening pace. The director tries to give his characters depth though they really are never explored deeply because of the limitations of the two actors. Williams is always fun to watch, however. After the first two-thirds of the film, things start to heat up - but really not enough to recommend this film. It does at the very least have a message and is full of heart - not something one sees a lot in this genre. If you are looking for lots of fighting and supernatural beasts, look elsewhere!
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