Fun and Excellent
11 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf is an underrated masterpiece in the Scooby-Doo saga


Plot: Dracula turns Shaggy into a werewolf and kidnaps him, Scooby-Doo, Scrabby-Doo, and his girlfriend Googie. In order for Shaggy to return to being a human he most compete in the Monster Road Race and win first place.

The Good News: The film may have an effect of nausea on you. It's from 1988 and everything reeks 1988. From Scrabby-Doo from at the time hit T.V. show to Shaggy's old red shirt and the cartoon animation it reminds you what has happened over the years to the recent What's New Scooby-Doo? The story is fresh and hasn't been done before. The three repeated ways to turn Shaggy into a werewolf are pretty original and my favorite one has to be at the supermarket. Going for a midnight snack Shaggy and Scooby are shopping and a hand pops out from behind the shelf and hands Scobby a snack and then the person emerges from behind the shelf and takes off with the cart without Scooby and plows into Shaggy who falls in the cart and they roll him outside to the designated spot for the transformation, but a melon truck pulls up just in the nick of time at the exact spot. The drive in movie scene was also a long and fun sequence and the idea that the hiccups cured a werewolf and turns the victim from a werewolf and then to a person and so on and so on was pretty neat and used to great degree. Shaggy's girlfriend was a good character and the movie surprisingly didn't need the rest of the gang. The monsters at the castle, while nothing new, it was nice to see them all together. Casey Kasem voices Shaggy and you can't find a lot of fault in his performance. Don Messic voices Scooby-Doo greatly and Scrabby-Doo is actually likable here and makes me kind of mad that he turned evil in Scooby-Doo (2002). The way the whole castle is rigged and every escape and hope turns out to be a trap is pretty smart and something most kid movies don't think of. If all else reason to see this fails then the practice round and the actual race are standout sequences which are action packed and fully entertaining from beginning to end and is a great way to end a film. That is the major highlight of the film and is worth to see it as a stand alone scene. The long running time also helps this out because it seems more natural than it would if it was over in five minutes. The failed plans by Dracula to stop Shaggy from winning the race provide much of the action and it also provides a few laughs and a lot of giggles by Dracula's bride as she does commentary on the race.

The Bad News: I don't see how anybody can dislike this. It's fast, entertaining, action packed, and has a slam bang ending.

Conclusion: Recommend to everyone and especially for Scooby-Doo fans. Recommend.

Rated: Not Rated
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