Review of Stage 5

The Sopranos: Stage 5 (2007)
Season 6, Episode 14
Everything I Love and Hate About The Sopranos
15 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The latest installment of the final eight Sopranos episodes will certainly not disappoint if you want shock, surprise, and a little quicker pace.

There are many things I love about this show, but one of the things that drives me nuts is when important details are hardly mentioned or mumbled so quickly you miss them the first time. There's a lot of that in this episode. Without spoiling too much of what went down this week, I'll tell you that it's important to pay attention to the different players in the action. Even the little players you've only seen once or twice. I, for one, will be watching this again in the next couple of days, with the closed captioning on.

We all know Christopher and Little Carmine were working on "Cleaver" with Christopher's AA buddy/screen writing slave, J.T., and we finally see that project come to fruition. This project also acts as a easel for the display of Christopher's subconscious feelings towards Tony, and not without notice from others.

We get a very surprising update on Johnny Sack, but I won't spoil that for you. It's better viewed without hints.

The final scene feels like a great, tense foreshadowing of things to come, and almost seems like one of the HBO commercials for the show. The music, the symbolic gesture, and the expressions on key players' faces all let you know that the show and it's creators are in Stage Five of the Sopranos series grieving process.
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