simply a bloody good time (for zombie fans)
27 April 2007
Deep in Akron, Ohio a father and his daughter board themselves up into their cellar to escape from the dead who've been brought back to life. Thus begins J.R. Bookwalter's first and arguably best film to date. Having to do with a group of government-sponsored 'zombie squad' and their adventures defeating the hordes of the living dead as well as a fanatical religious cult, this is actually pretty good. Now please understand that good is a very subjective term, most non-horror fans will openly dismiss this film as poorly acted, highly derivative crap. And yes they would have a point about the acting as well as it having more than a passing resemblance to "dawn of the dead", "Evil Dead" and a few other films. However one can plainly see that this movie has heart. I'm more apt to forgive the film for it's shortcomings simply because I was entertained for the duration of the very low budget zombie homage. Plus Bruce Campbell always rocks (even if it's just his voice)

My Grade: B-
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