The Red Dwarf (1998)
Like A Bad David Lynch Film
3 May 2007
The first third of this film was very interesting, but mainly because of the good black-and- white closeup photography in that first 30-45 minutes. Then the story began to get very distasteful with characters I could not care about, and I doubt most people could.

The story is a bit disjointed and sordid about a dwarf who has some sort of relationship with a older, fat and married woman, all the while he is serving divorce least that's what it sounded like. It wasn't all that clear after an hour, and by then I had lost interest trying figure everything out. In the meantime, the dwarf also was attracted to this little girl at the circus. It's all very strange....and not a satisfying story.

One review I read somewhere said this film reminded him of early David Lynch movies, and I think that's an apt description. I love a couple of Lynch films, but some of his stuff stinks, too. (i.e. Eraserhead, Lost Highway, to name two).
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