Painful To Watch
4 May 2007
I'm not sure what makes this embarrassingly amateur 'symp-documentary' more painful to watch, the fact that it's mostly misplaced, vindictive pseudo-journalism or that there are many gullible America-hating minds ready to eat this trash up.

The Venona Papers (opened after the fall of the Soviet Union) have confirmed without a doubt that the Rosenbergs were not only traitors giving the Russians America's atomic secrets, they also showed that the Rosenbergs were hard-core ideologues who felt their mission was more important than theirs or other people's lives. FACT - While the USSR was killing millions of its own citizens, these two criminals were doing everything in their power to help spread communism over the earth. David Greenglass was a scum and he's probably the closest thing there is to Julius and Ethel......except he talked.

I'm sure it would be hard for any descendant of this sinister couple to come to terms with what they did, much less move on and live for themselves; in fact, Ivy Meeropol has actually put her mind in REVERSE and regresses to a point of blaming everyone but the traitors. I can't imagine anyone sitting and listening to her and her family and not wanting to get the hell away.

The title of this film should be 'How To Waste Your Life And Wallow In Pity And Hate Because Your Grandparents Were Willing Tools For Totalitarinasm'
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