Incredibly sloppy sci-fi film is a total waste of time...
11 May 2007
Given the total low-budget look of the film, the indifferent performances of the entire cast, the lack of credibility from scene to scene, and the overall amateurishness of acting and direction, it's merciful that this film directed by Edward G. Ulmer is only 58 minutes.

DOUGLAS KENNEDY (looking a bit flabby and tired) is the lead, a man who has just escaped from prison and has a girlfriend (MARGUERITE CHAPMAN) waiting just outside for a quick getaway. After that, all plausibility is over, as she takes him to the home of a mad Army Major who is housing a scientist able to make objects invisible.

The wounded Major seeks some sort of revenge for his wounds and envisions an army of invisible men, but Kennedy advances another idea--a bank robbery with him stealing into the vault while invisible. Reluctantly, the doctor agrees to the plan--but the plot takes a few twists when things don't go as smoothly as planned.

No one in the film gives a performance worth remembering, and the mad scientist played by IVAN TRIESAULT is worst of all in a key role. In one crucial scene he appears to be reading his dialog off cue cards as he recites the ingredients of his experiment.

To say DOUGLAS KENNEDY is wooden is to be charitable. The same can be said for Miss Chapman who has absolutely no chemistry with the leading man.

All of it looks like it was put together in five days with some very primitive special effects. Considering that Edward G. Ulmer did direct some very successful scary films at Universal, this is nothing less than a disaster.
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