Satan's Blade (1984)
Right Context = Enjoyment
11 May 2007
Fan's of cheesy horror films are in a different class all to themselves. The old saying that "one man's trash is another man's treasure' could never be more true when it comes to the cesspool of surprises this film delivers.

Satan's Blade is quiet a rare film. The acting sucks, and the camera work isn't award worthy, and the wounds themselves look like 'red jam'- but on the right terms, this does deliver in the scare department.

Supposedly, the tale of 'the mountain man' floating around at a snowy resort isn't a legend after all. Two girls were murdered in one of the cabins where the killer left what seems to be a tribal signature of blood on the walls.

Two married couples and a group of fun loving girls make their way to cabin. They don't seem too worried by the fact that two people were murdered right next door. If that's not bad enough, the only cabin empty is the cabin where the two girls were murdered. The girls agree to stay and the rest is history. I don't know, but shouldn't there be a lengthy police investigation? Just checking) Anyway, the film's strong point is its location - A snowy isolated resort in the high mountain region of what seems to be California. It adds an extra bit of oomph to it that actually masks the all around badness of the movie.

There's some genuinely disturbing slash sequences in this flick. Obviously inspired by Halloween, the director gave us a lot of Halloweenesque lighting and camera-work - not to mention the piano score.

If a cheese lover loves cheese and scares, he'll devour this little slasher rarity. I highly suggest all you 'completists' out there to pick this one up while there's still VHS tapes floating around. This may never see a legit DVD release.
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