Lord of the Piercing (2002 TV Short)
Pure Nasty and Sick
16 June 2007
This was one of the most vulgar and disgusting things I've ever seen in my life. And you straights think we gays are the freaks? You guys really need to look in the mirror. When something like this is played at an international awards ceremony and everyone laughs, you know we're near the end of the world. It's sick that everyone gets off on the genital mutilation of men. I guess since everyone is so use to mutilating the genitals of new born baby boys it comes as no shock. I'd like to see how everyone would have reacted if it was Sarah Michelle Gellar, instead of Jack Black, that had a ring ripped out of her genitals on national television. Yeah, a laugh riot. Thank God I'm Gay. You straights can do all that nasty stuff to each other, and take pleasure in each other in this sick way, all you want. Just don't EVER criticize gays as being the sick ones.

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