Review of 7th Heaven

7th Heaven (1996–2007)
23 July 2007
No, really, that about sums up my opinion of this show, but I guess I'll elaborate.

I'm so sick and tired of these so-called 'morality' shows. If I had kids and wanted to teach them a thing or two about life, I'd tell them to read a friggin' book or ten, not subject themselves to this mind-numbing piece of steaming crap.

I've noticed most people who defend this show are Christians, and as much as I'd love to do some well-placed bashing, I won't, because I happen to have a lot of friends who are Christians and yet laugh themselves silly at the idiocy that is "7th Heaven". Kids who ask their parents permission to have sex? Daughters who ask their mother to find them someone to date? Are we living in the same planet here? Let us please refrain from extremities... Things in life aren't all black and white. The way this show presents it, you're only a nice person if you believe in a personal god, NEVER touch alcohol, NEVER swear, NEVER smoke, and --of course- have sex only after you marry. Everyone else is scum and should either revert to the 'righteous path' or burn in Christian hell. Can ya scream "Get off your high horse?" To add insult to injury, this show isn't even worth your attention despite the forced-upon morality. The plots are recycled and uninspired, the characters are two-dimensional cardboard cut-outs, and the writing is horrid and contrived.

And to all those people who defend this show by saying that it teaches kids a thing or two when compared to other shows... F*** that. Since when did mediocrity, denial, misogyny, propaganda and bigotry become good examples for your children?
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