Review of Devotion

Devotion (1946)
..I tried to be devoted..
27 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You can learn much about the making of this movie and also "The Bronte" family by reading the other comments posted here. I'm giving it a "10" simply for the way Hollywood made the sisters look pretty and well-dressed, when almost everyone who reads know they lived in extreme poverty. Poor things couldn't even publish their masterpieces under their own names......."ladies" just didn't write in those days. This also causes me to wonder about early movies showing "ladies" on the stage, when it just didn't happen. Maybe Sarah Bernhardt broke that taboo......think about "castratis" appearing in female roles.....

"Devotion" is one that I missed the original release, and am enthralled to learn that Ms. de Haviland ("Charlotte Bronte") joined Bette Davis in fighting "the studio system" (completely ruined Judy Garland's life). Therefore, I didn't know the movie was a bio on The Brontes (seems scriptor Kent Winter had a good imagination). I saw in on TCM's tribute to Ms. Lupino (Emily Bronte).

I agree the cast for "Devotion" was great and Sydney Greenstreet, Dame May Witty, Nancy Coleman (Anne Bronte) and all the others were very good in their roles......but, also agree that Arthur Kennedy ("Bramwell") stole the show. Director Curtis Bernhardt kept it all together and entertaining, the cinematography was excellent black-and-white. It's so wonderful to watch movies like "Devotion", for the simple reason it's all about acting and not explosions.

People of all ages should watch this film......
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