Anderson Cooper is Hot!!!
6 August 2007
I'm a conservative and even a Bush fan, but I can't help but LOVE Anderson Cooper!! I'm a closet Cooper fan! Shhh!! Don't tell anyone at my church. I hate the CNN channel because everything on there is so biased and left of center, and they don't report the news. They sponsor and pay liberals to be on their programs. They give more airtime, uninterrupted to liberals and conservatives are shut off, cut off or over-talked when on the shows (except Larry King).

I give the show a 9 out of 10 because I don't consider this a "news" show. I consider it a talk show and I like the format of the show where he is not behind a desk reporting news. He goes a full 360 degrees around the globe reporting news and events and topics from the source. I like that. Very appealing, unique and innovative. Anderson Cooper is also very easy on the eyes and attractive and soothing. He's great. I have never seen a complete episode from start to finish, but I always see the first 15-20 minutes after Larry King.

Just cut out all the commercials. I swear, they have 10 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of programming. That's when I tune out and watch a different show and forget to come back.

Anderson Cooper, as hot as he is, is as liberal as they come. He "moderated" the CNN/Youtube debate in July 2007 and he seemed to be a big fan of a couple of contenders there and even joked with a few. You can tell by his "news" program that he is a staunch supporter of the donkey, liberal issues and candidates and on "THE VIEW" on August 3, 2007, he actually said that he didn't think that viewers knew where he stood politically because he's so centered on his show.

Yeah, right.

Anderson Cooper BELONGS on CNN because he is a liberal fanatic and a mess. He does not "report" news. His simple actions and reactions to news clearly shows viewers how he stands on issues and he gives the "evil eye" to conservatives and is very shut-down in front of them. It's very sad.

If you want a news program that just reports the facts without giving their side of the issue and allows guests free reign to talk, turn to Fox News or watch Larry King. Larry King is gracious, unbiased and doesn't over talk his guests. He's great. Liberal, but great. But Anderson Cooper is very biased, shallow and reminds me of Bill Maher. Both are intelligent, attractive and great talkers, but they are both very liberal.
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