Hilarious. Gripping. And very telling. The dark and light side of a 7 year olds imagination.
12 August 2007
Put The Camera On Me - This is one very telling look into the world of mini-adults. The both light and dark side of human nature captured by the cameras when the parents are away. Cult filmmaker Darren Stein, as a youngin, made a series a hilarious and creative films from age 7 to 11. As an adult, him and his "crew" re-examine the life they lead as children and the films they made.

In the first act, I felt charmed by the youthful enthusiasm of the kids.the way they mimicked a combination of Hollywood and real life strewn together with hilarious make up effects (celephane and blood was pretty awesome - fun to watch someone elses memories and remember your own from those early creative years.

And then the second act hit, and i felt like it should be required viewing in sociology and psych classes at universities. Especially child and sexual development classes. It's a very stark and fearless look into innocent sexuality, memory and kids who behave like mini-adults.

And while at first I was skeptical about showing them as adults, thinking it would go too sentimental, the bond and bicker that remains and the way all of the personalities showed through made it cool and interesting. kinda like (but far more intimate and daring) the 7-up series by Michael Apted.

And the third act, while sentimental, really pulls it in. The kids visions of violence carrried out as bonding is really true and beautiful. And the early expression of fear and rejection with one of the films being about a child's near suicide over having no friends - and the fact that the mini-filmmakers choose to end it happy and silly - shows the darkness they toy with in their expression is done with equal whimsy as the light. really telling stuff. Mini-humans with curiosities and awkward moments and jealousies and angers.

Watch this picture. It's an beautiful expose on childhood imagination and jarringly hilarious look early sexuality.
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