If cowardice has a name...
12 August 2007
From this director, I once had the opportunity to watch the good and worthy "Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam", an honest elegy to USA'n soldiers who fought and died in that thought-provoking War. So, I was not really prepared to watch this Iraq thing!

Right, let us examine the matter: the most powerful military nation that ever existed in this poor, sad little planet called Earth, fighting a "War" (sic) against the people of one of the most impoverished countries in the world....

High-tech stuff and push-button soldiers against rotten men with their old (if had any) shotguns! And then, comes Mr. Couturie (or whatever) and make a movie to "honour" the oh!, so poor!, and so brave (and so few) push-button USA'n soldiers who were victimized by the nasty!, heartless! rotten starving soldiers (and by the friendly fire...) of Sadam!

Maybe Mr. Couturie should make a movie to "honour" the half-a-dozen USA'n soldiers killed in Granada too! That glorious war...! Why not? I don't know what kind of public watch this kind of Americana rubbish, but i had the opportunity to have a look at it through P2P and really got sick (and angry).

These people should be ashamed of glorifying cowardice only because the cowards are their own co-patriots. Really pompous, unfair and ultimately disgusting.

Watch this one only if your sense of Justice went off for a ride...

2 out of 10.
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