This Matter of Marriage (1998 TV Movie)
very poor chick flick
20 August 2007
The acting was excellent but sabotaged by a poorly-written story. Too bad because the basic idea was good but the details stunk.

For example: They went to the well way too many times with the plumbing problem as an excuse to have them drop in on one another. How lame.

And the initial building proposal was absurd. There was nothing original there - just some towers. How did a proposal for an office building suddenly become a proposal for a community? But by far the worst was when the hero showed no interest whatsoever in her career ("So you're an architect. So how's the weather?") until later in the movie, he's basically drooling over her community design. It wasn't bad acting; it was bad writing.

It was apparent these two had nothing in common other than living next door. She had no experience with relationships. He had one experience - and didn't understand why it failed. And there wasn't even a glimmer of sexual passion between them. Prediction: One year max before they get divorced.

What a sad waste of good acting in a terrible movie.
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