Review of The Unholy

The Unholy (1988)
priest v evil 1988 style
6 September 2007
The Unholy (1988)

Released in 1988, The Unholy is a cut above the average good v evil story. Indeed there has been other less entertaining films that have gone down the same road.

Directed by Camilo Vila, not really a well known name as directors go, who doesn't do too bad a job. The experienced actors, bringing their skills to this film, no doubt help to achieve this.

Ned Beatty- a well know supporting actor- who appeared in such films as Deliverance and Superman. Ben Cross- in many films and TV episodes. Hal Holbrook – a winner of 4 Emmy awards. Trevor Howard. Well remembered for his performance in Brief Encounter, had a small part in this film, which sadly, was his last. He died in January 1988

The film follows the well-used format of a Priest fighting evil which manifests in his church. The church establishment, as usual, tries to hush up the whole affair.

A well used format, but with this film it works a little better than some others. The priest's initial scepticism is gradually eroded as he realises that evil does exist in a tangible form. It is not just in people's thoughts, including his own, which he struggles to overcome. The final scenes, however, are not helped by the manifestation of the evil force in its true form.

But we have to remember this was 1988. CGI was not the order of the day. So the film's shortcomings must be seen in that context.

Thanks to the British Censor releasing the film uncut for its video/DVD release in 2001, we are able to view the film as originally made To protect us 10 seconds had been removed from the original cinema release in 1988, although their records do not indicate which 10 seconds. If you give this film an airing, which I thoroughly recommend, perhaps you will guess.


7th September 2007
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