Review of The Brave One

The Brave One (2007)
This movie asks the question: Is a vigilante a bad person?
18 September 2007
There is so much dreck appearing on our local cinema screens these days, that it is refreshing to hear about one that seems to have an interesting theme and a reputable cast. That is why I decided to go see "The Brave One." I find, on reading some of the postings on this site, that many people seem to be confused as to the difference between "self-defence" (protecting yourself against a perceived threat), "vigilantism" (protecting society against the bad guys)and "revenge" (getting your own back for an alleged wrong). The character in this movie started off by protecting herself against almost certain death at the hands of street thugs, but she then changed into a vigilante intent on ridding the streets of the scum of the earth. That is why this is such an interesting and intelligent movie, as it asks significant moral questions to which there are no easy answers. If that is "un-Holllywood" then so be it. I thought that it was an insightful and provocative movie, and one of Jodie Foster's best roles.
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