Feel Your Blood Boil
30 September 2007
That's exactly how I felt after walking out at the end of this gripping, but short documentary (only about 75 minutes). I was riveted to the screen from start to finish. I thought to myself, "I'm so glad I didn't vote for the Fourth Reich (i.e. The Bush Administration)either in 2000, or 2004 (not that voting mattered much, as I'm sure the voting machines were rigged so that Fuhrer George II came out on top both times). This documentary (shot on digital video fore mat),based on Norman Soloman's book of the same name,left me angry & bitter at the way this country is heading (is heading,he says?). There is a plethora of film & video footage of just about every war mongering President (Fascist Dictator) from L.B.J., to Fuhrer George II (George W. Bush),taken from the mainstream media (any & all of the major networks,including,but not limited to Fox News--shudder!). Although this documentary is getting something of a limited theatrical run (due to the fact that most cinemas aren't equipped for digital video fore mat),the film/video is already available on DVD, so there is still a chance for you to see this important document on how our (alleged)leaders are flushing our country down the proverbial toilet.
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