Completely pointless, mindless, and boring
6 October 2007
We rented this movie cheaply through Redbox and I'm glad it's only a dollar a day so I didn't waste my money. What more can I say except that I almost fell asleep several times while watching this movie? It had no plot and the musical numbers were terrible. It even stunk as a family movie with sexual innuendo and just overall crudeness. I didn't laugh even once throughout the whole movie. It wasn't very original and the same plot devices were used over and over ad nauseum.

When we watch a movie as a family, we try to decide whether the rental would be a future "buyer" or not. This was voted hands down as NOT a "buyer".

Maybe the video game this movie is based on is good -- I've never played it -- but this movie goes down as one of the top 10 worst family movies ever and definitely the worst Christmas movie I've ever seen!
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