very good, sad film.
7 November 2007
I once asked myself that if I were able to work a hard 60 hour week, every week for five years straight, and be paid over $200,000.00 per year, but be able to leave after those 5 years a millionaire and be free do do the things I really wanted to do, would I do it? The proposition sounds enticing, but I soon began to realize that after 5 years, I will have been a changed person, stressed, unhappy, and the things that I really wanted to do at the beginning would no longer have any hold on me at the end of those 5 years.

This movie made me think of that. When Christopher takes over his father's business, he was a happy man, with the best of intentions. But as the years pass, work, prestige, money blinded him from being a good husband, father, brother, friend,...etc.. and his story is told very well by the filmmaker, very simple and straightforward, and the dramatic scenes with his wife, are very realistic and not written and acted merely for dramatic effect.

I give Christopher the "dope of the year" award for treating his wife Maria the way he did. She was a beautiful, loyal, passionate, and very understanding wife. How could he not see that? and you tell yourself it's only a movie, but then in real life, you see guys like that all the time, throwing away gems while searching for rocks.
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