Superb! A movie for endless discussions and deep thinking
9 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a really long time since I saw a movie that captured me, mind and soul, that much. Even since the very beginning, when the whole concept of the movie (a 14,000 old man?) seems too fictional, you can sense the difference in the atmosphere, the escalating emotions, and the question keeps pop into your mind: "could it be actually true?" And the fact that everything is taking place in a small living room in front of a fire place among a small group of people -like in the theatre- makes it even more special. It is certainly one of the movies that will provoke endless discussions. Some may hate it due to the controversial issues that it is dealing with, but if you watch it with an open mind, you cannot but admit that "everything is possible". After all what is history and religion other than our current knowledge of what happened thousand of years ago and how it was captured through the eyes and hands of other people. Even the science that we know today is just a way to interpret the natural phenomena with the knowledge that we currently hold, knowing pretty well that if the situations change or new discoveries will be made then we will have to discard the old knowledge and adopt the new one. Overall I believe the movie is truly ingenious and mind challenging and I strongly recommend it to those who keep seeking alternative answers to long standing questions that are dealing with history, religion, science!
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